Life is beautiful and difficult.
Be authentic, practice empathy,
have faith, and stay grateful.

poetry – plays – prose –
perplexities – purpose

Photo by Santiago Lacarta

A bit about gratefulsue

Hi! My name is Sue. My pen name as well as my website is “gratefulsue” because that’s the kind of person I want to be overall. My pen name serves to remind me.

I grew up in Ohio. When I was a Sophomore at an out-of-state university, a new friend helped me to understand Christianity better than I ever had before, even though I had often attended church. (See the book of John in the Bible, especially chapter 3.) My subsequent thirsty reading of the New Testament, in context, something I had never done before, deeply affected me. Most of my writing is a reflection of my journey in life and faith since that time. I also love to write about nature since it’s a great source of inspiration.

Over the years, writing has been both my passion and therapy. In poems, prose, and journals, I wrote while single, while married and raising four children, while working or volunteering in various Christian ministries and churches, and on three summer mission projects overseas (Argentina, Japan, and the Dominican Republic). I wrote while my aging father lived with us, during my husband’s cancer and passing, and through many affronts to my faith. I have lived in six states, ten cities, and attended way too many churches to count. If you relate to some of my musings, I hope you also find some encouragement and know that you are not alone.

Everyone faces hardships in life, as well as joys. Life is both beautiful and difficult. Often at the same time! May we all strive to be authentic, practice empathy, have faith, and stay grateful.

Why I write

...about beauty.
Like Helium balloons I hold on a string,
I look up and they make me smile.
I write lovely things on each balloon.
Then, I can be reminded
and encouraged.
Or, give one away.

...about difficulties.
Writing about painful things is like
placing the pieces of a broken vase
in a box in the closet. For safe keeping.
If I want to be reminded of its beauty,
I can always go into that closet,
open the box, and feel the loss.

...about authenticity.
It’s what we all need.
Better than hiding.
Better than pretending.
Better than clichés.
Better than being unknown
and alone.

...about empathy.
Listening well, validating
what someone else feels,
is where their healing begins.
Being ready with empathy is like
going shopping with a friend
and buying her a new outfit.

...about faith.
It’s the only plumb line for how to live
before we die. ¹ Plus,
it’s the only safety net for
living—after we’re dead. ²
Jesus is beautiful, difficult, authentic, empathetic...
the best “one good reason” to have faith.

...about gratitude.
I have known love and blessings.
I long to share what I have received.
I can even find something good in
the difficult or mundane. If I try. So, I do. ³
Daily, I’m grateful
for the breath to give thanks.

1. Matthew 7:12
2. John 11:25-27
3. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

©2023 gratefulsue