Photo by Will Langenberg
Your sprawling beaches
and majestic mountains
call out to passers-through,
“My aesthetic sports a welcome mat
which is laid out for
people like you.
It rarely rains.
No humidity here!
You deserve a haven like this.”
But then, fall comes
with ferocious fires—
consuming all notions of bliss.
© 2019 gratefulsue
back to Beautiful and Difficult
August 2, 2024; January 20,2025
So, some people will not like this poem because it voices a negative aspect of living in California. Sorry! I get it! California is indeed a unique state: gorgeous coastal vistas and ocean beaches, huge, thriving cities, tall mountains for climbing, and job opportunities for all. I just wanted to show the irony and a hint of sadness. Such beauty and opportunity, juxtaposed with struggle and danger: fires, and also earthquakes.
I wrote the poem in 2019, a couple of years after my second son had moved to Los Angeles from the east. Surely, there was a bit of my personal loss buried in this poem. Later, two of his three siblings also moved to California! Sigh.
Now, in January of 2025, multiple fires are raging, destroying homes, lives, businesses and property around LA, California, on an enormous scale. It is both tragic and terrifying to watch on television, let alone seeing the fires in person, smelling all the smoke, or losing loved ones or property to their rage. (My family is safe.)
In addition to fires and earthquakes, California and many other states are vulnerable to hurricanes and tornados. You probably saw the images of devastated western North Carolina, after Hurricane Helene blew through, destroying and flooding many areas in late September of 2024. There was much loss of life and property… a very sad situation.
Wherever people choose to live, we all deserve to live in safety. When disaster strikes, I’m thankful there are resources at both the local and national level. I’ve also been encouraged to read about the generosity of average Americans showing compassion and help for fellow citizens in need. Many have volunteered their time and skills, or offered financial or material resources, comfort and prayers, including many people from other countries. Wow. We can all do our part.